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"To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence."

Peelian Principle, §7

"... I hope that your work, which sometimes brings you into contact with the darker side of human nature, will not deter you from enthusiastically serving the cause of civic harmony and well-being with sensitivity and Christian hope..."

Pope John Paul II, address to Catholic Police Guild, 12 April 1982

Please support Catholics in Policing, as we undertake a particularly challenging role in society.
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Donate to
the Guild's work

Membership subscriptions do not cover all our costs.  We depend on the goodwill of members to give more than their subscription, or from other benefactors to support Catholics in policing our societies and communities.

See what we do

The Metropolitan Police offer a ride-along scheme, enabling you to spend a shift with police officers on duty.  It is unlikely that a ride-along is with a Guild member, but the experience will provide you with an insight to the environment into which Catholics go when policing our communities.

Advocate for
Catholic legislation

Whilst Catholic in Policing make many prudential judgments as they serve, it could only ever be simpler if the statute was grounded in the Natural Law and Catholic social teaching.  Please advocate for this with your Member of Parliament.

Pray and Fast for Catholics in Policing

Spiritual assistance costs nothing, but is the most appreciated support.  Fasting is a fabulous act of charity.  There are many intentions for which you can pray and seek intercession.  Consider joining a Public Rosary.

Add souls to the Purgatorial Society

If you have any deceased relatives or friends once in policing, please add their names (or those of their relatives) to the
Purgatorial Society.

Advocate for us
on social media

Consistent with the good and the true, is kindness.  The psychological effect from kind words cannot be under-estimated.  Please advocate for the work of the Guild; please say kind things publicly; please make your friends and networks know what we do.

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